- Arata G., Martínez M., Elguezábal C., Rojas D., Cristos D., Dinolfo M.I. & Arata A.F. 2022. Effects of sowing date, nitrogen fertilization, and Fusarium graminearum in an Argentinean bread wheat: Integrated analysis of disease parameters, mycotoxin contamination, grain quality, and seed deterioration. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 107: 104364. doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2021.104364
- Basile S.M.L., Tognetti J.A., Gandini M.L. & Rogers W.J. 2022. Climate change in the temperature and precipitation at two contrasting sites of the Argentinean wheat region. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. doi: 10.1007/s00704-022-03936-6
- Del Ponte E., Moreira G., Ward T., O´Donnell K., Nicolli C., Machado F., Duffeck M., Alves K., Tessmann D., Waalwijk C., van der Lee T., Zhang H., Chulze S., Stenglein S.A., Pan D., Vero S., Vaillancourt L., Schmale III D., Esker P., Moretti A., Logrieco A., Kistler H., Bergstrom G., Viljoen A., Rose L., van Coller G. & Lee T. 2022. Fusarium graminearum species complex: a bibliographic analysis and web accessible database for global mapping of species and trichothecene toxin chemotypes. Phytopathology. 112: 741-751. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-06-21-0277-RVW
- Martínez M., Biganzoli F., Arata A.F., Dinolfo M.I., Rojas D., Cristos D. & Stenglein S.A. 2022. Warm nights increase Fusarium Head Blight impact on barley and wheat grains. Agricultural and Forest Metereology. 318: 108909. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.108909
- Novillo M., Desvignes T., Moreira E. & Barrera-Oro E. 2022. Egg predation in Antarctic fish: the ingestion by Notothenia coriiceps of an entire Trematomus bernacchii spawn identified by molecular techniques. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 266: 107742. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2022.107742
- Arata A.F., Rogers W.J., Tranquilli G.E., Arrigoni A.C. & Rondanini D.P. 2021. Nitrogen-sulfur fertilisation effects on gluten composition and industrial quality in Argentinean bread wheat cultivars differing in apparent sulfur recovery. Crop and Pasture Science. 72(3): 183-196. doi: 10.1071/CP20406
- Arrigoni A.C., Álvarez M.P., Arata A.F. & Capra M. 2021. Incidencia de la aplicación de fitoestimulantes sobre la calidad panadera de cultivares de trigo pan argentinos de distinto grupo de calidad. Ciencias Agronómicas. 38: 1-12. doi: 10.35305/agro01.310
- Bernardi Lima N., Conforto C., Serri D.L., Campilongo M., Ernesto J., Stenglein S.A. & Vargas-Gil S. 2021. Anthracnose on alfalfa caused by Colletotrichum americae-borealis in Córdoba province, Argentina. Crop Protection. 148: 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105732
- Berruezo L., Harries E., Galván M., Stenglein S. & Mercado Cárdenas G. 2021. Evaluation of tolerance to Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani in Virginia-type tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) varieties under controlled conditions in Northwestern Argentina. Revista FCA UNCuyo. 53: 214-224. doi: 10.48162/rev.39.054.
- Castañares E., da Cruz Cabral L., Dinolfo M.I., Andersen B., Stenglein S.A. & Patriarca A. 2021. Alternaria in malting barley: characterization and distribution in relation with climatic and barley cultivars. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 357: 109367. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2021.109367.
- Dinolfo M.I., Martínez M., Nogueira M.S., Nicholson P. & Stenglein S.A. 2021. Evaluation of interaction between Brachypodium distachyon roots and Fusarium species. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 159: 269-278. doi: 10.1007/s10658-020-02159-7.
- Martínez M., Arata A.F., Fernández M.D., Stenglein S.A. & Dinolfo M.I. 2021. Fusarium species richness in mono and dicotyledonous weeds and their ability to infect barley and wheat. Mycological Progress. 20: 1203-1216. doi: 10.1007/s11557-021-01729-1
- Martínez M., Dinolfo M.I., Nogueira M.S. & Stenglein S.A. 2021. Fusarium tricinctum associated with Head Blight on barley in Argentina: pathogenicity and potential degradation of the different hordein fractions. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. 128: 1377-1381. doi: 10.1007/s41348-021-00459-6
- Moreira E., Novillo M., Mintenbeck K., Alurralde G., Barrera-Oro E. & De Troch M. 2021. New insights into the autecology of the two sympatric fish species Notothenia coriiceps and N. rossii from western Antarctic Peninsula: A trophic biomarkers approach. Polar Biology. 44: 1591-1603. doi: 10.1007/s00300-021-02903-7
- Moreno M.V., Casas C., Biganzoli F., Manso L., Moreira M.E. & Silvestro L.B. 2021. Changes in soil biological properties in different management and tillage systems in petrocalcic argiudoll. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Science. 20 (2):75-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jssas.2020.12.001
- Novillo M., Elisio M., Moreira E., Macchi G. & Barrera-Oro E. 2021. New insights into reproductive physiology in Antarctic fish: a trial in Lepidonotothen nudifrons. Polar Biology. 44: 1127–1139. doi: 10.1007/s00300-021-02879-4
- Novillo M., Moreira E., Macchi G.& Barrera-Oro E. 2021. Histological analysis provides further insights into Harpagifer antarcticus reproductive biology at the western Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology. 44: 2165–2175. doi: 10.1007/s00300-021-02953-x
- Ríos J.M., Mammana S.B., Moreira E., Poma G., Malarvannan G., Barrera-Oro E., Covacic A., Ciocco N.F. & Altamirano J.C. 2021. Accumulation of PBDEs and MeO-PBDEs in notothenioid fish from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: An interspecies comparative study. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 168: 112453. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112453
- Salomon V., Gianni de Carvalho K., Arroyo F., Maldonado L.M., Gennari G., Vera N. & Romero C.M. 2021. Biopolymer production by bacteria isolated from native stingless bee honey, Scaptotrigona jujuyensis. Food Bioscience. 42: 101047. doi: 10.1016/j.fbio.2021.101077
- Vazquez M.B., Moreno M.V., Amodeo M.R. & Bianchinotti M.V. 2021. Effects of glyphosate on soil fungal communities: a field study. Revista Argentina de Microbiología. 53: 349-358. doi: 10.1016/j.ram.2020.10.005
- Borrelli N.P., Papone M.L., Moreno M.V., Stenglein S., Stancanelli S., Wright E.R., Hagiwara J.C. & Rivera M.C. 2020. First report of basal rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Calibrachoa hybrida. Plant Disease. 104 (12). doi: 10.1094/PDIS-04-20-0767-PDN
- Borrelli N.P., Stancanelli S., Papone M.L., Moreno M.V., Stenglein S., Wright E.R., Hagiwara J.C. & Rivera M.C. 2020. Leaf spots of calibrachoa caused by Nigrospora oryzae. Ornamental Horticulture. 26: 591-597. doi: 10.1590/2447-536X.v26i4.2177
- Kulik T., Brankovics B., Van Diepeningen A.D., Bilska K., Zelechowski M., Myszczyński K., Molcan T., Stakheev A.A., Stenglein S., Beter M., Pasquali M., Sawicki J. & Baturo‐Cieśniewska A. 2020. Diversity of mobile genetic elements in the mitogenome of closely related Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum sensu stricto strains ans its implication for diagnostic purposes. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01002
- Moreira E., Novillo M., Eastman J.T. & Barrera-Oro E. 2020. Degree of herbivory and intestinal morphology in nine notothenioid fishes from the western Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology. 43: 535–544. doi: 10.1007/s00300-020-02655
- Dinolfo M.I., Martínez M., Castañares E. & Stenglein S.A. 2020. Presence of Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto associated with triticale (x. Triticosecale Wittmack) in Argentina. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 18 (1) e10SC02. doi: 10.5424/sjar/2020181-14796
- Castañares E., Pavicich M.A., Dinolfo M.I., Moreyra F., Stenglein S.A. & Patriarca A. 2020. Natural occurrence of Alternaria mycotoxins in malting barley grains in the main producing region of Argentina. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 100: 104-111. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.10101
- Martínez M., Ramírez Albuquerque D., Arata A., Biganzoli F., Fernández Pinto V. & Stenglein S.A. 2020. Effects of Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium poae on disease parameters, grain quality and mycotoxin contamination in bread wheat (Part I). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 100: 863-873. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.1009
- Martínez M., Ramírez Albuquerque D., Dinolfo M.I., Biganzoli F., Fernández Pinto V. & Stenglein S.A. 2020. Effects of Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium poae on disease parameters, grain quality and mycotoxin contamination in barley (Part II). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 100: 3182-3191. doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10354
- Pelizza S.A., Medina H., Ferreri N.A., Elíades L.A., Pocco M.E., Stenglein S.A. & Lange C.E. 2020. Virulence and enzymatic activity of three new isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) from the South American locust Schistocerca cancellata (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Journal of King Saud University-Science. 32: 44-47. doi: 10.1016/j.jksus.2017.11.006
- Arata A.F., Dinolfo M.I., Martínez M. & Lázaro L. 2019. Effects of waterlogging during grain filling on yield components, nitrogen uptake and grain quality in bread wheat. Cereal Research Communications. 47 (1): 42-52. doi: 10.1556/0806.46.2018.058
- Basile S.M., Ramírez I.A., Crescente J.M., Conde M.B., Demichelis M., Abbate P., Rogers, W.J., Pontaroli A.C., Helguera M. & Vanzetti L.S. 2019. Haplotype block analysis of an Argentinean hexaploid wheat collection and GWAS for yield components and adaptation. BMC Plant Biology. 19: 553. doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-2015-4
- Bellesi F.J., Arata A.F., Martínez M., Arrigoni A.C., Stenglein S.A. & Dinolfo M.I. 2019. Different Fusarium spp. degrade gluten proteins and affect grain quality of bread wheat. Journal of Stored Products Research. 83:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jspr.2019.05.007
- Castañares E., Martínez M., Cristos D., Rojas D.E., Lara B., Stenglein S.A. & Dinolfo M.I. 2019. Fusarium species and mycotoxin contamination in Argentina. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 155: 1265-1275. doi.org/10.1007/s10658-019-01853-5.
- Marcos Valle F., Moreno M.V., Silvestro L., Castellari C., Diaz Delfino A., Andreoli Y. & Picone L. 2019. Diversidad fúngica en suelos con diferentes usos en la región Pampeana Argentina. Chilean Journal of Agricultural and Animal Science, ex Agro-Ciencia. 35(2): 163-172. doi: 10.4067/S0719-38902019005000301.
- Martínez M., Arata A. F., Lázaro L., Stenglein S.A. & Dinolfo M.I. 2019. Effects of waterlogging and Fusarium poae on wheat and barley: disease parameters and impact on grain quality. Acta Scientiarum- Agronomy. 41(1) doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v41i1.42629
- Martínez M., Castañares E., Dinolfo M. I. & Stenglein S.A. 2019. Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto associated with head blight on rye (Secale cereale L.) in Argentina. Journal of Plant Protection Research. 59 (2) doi: 10.24425/jppr.2019.12928.
- Moavro A., Stenglein S., Delfederico L., Wagner J. & Ludemann V. 2019. Novel use of Penicillium nalgiovense on stuffed semi hard- and hard cheeses. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 110: 255-261.
- Moreira E., Novillo M., Mintenbeck K., Barrera-Oro E. & De Troch M. 2019. Feeding ecology of the two sympatric fish species Notothenia rossii and N. coriiceps from western Antarctic Peninsula: a fatty acids and stable isotopes approach. Document WG-FSA-2019/26, CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia. https://www.ccamlr.org/es/wg-fsa-2019/26
- Basile, S.M.L., Burrell, M.M., Walker, H.J., Cardozo, J.A., Steels, C., Kallenberg, F., Tognetti, J.A., Dalla Valle, H.R. & Rogers, W.J. Metabolic profiling of phloem exudates as a tool to improve bread-wheat cultivars. Agronomy. 8, 45; doi:10.3390/agronomy8040045. ISSN: 2073-4395.
- Berruezo L., Mercado Cárdenas G., Harries E., Stenglein S.A., Curti R., Rodriguero M. & Galván M.Z. 2018. Characterization of Fusarium species associated with tobacco diseases in northwestern Argentina. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 151: 1065-1079. ISSN: 0929-1873.
- Chalfoun N.R., Durman S.B., Budeguer F., Caro M., Bertani R.P., Di-Peto P., Stenglein S.A., Filippone M.P., Moretti E.R., Díaz-Ricci J., Wellin B. & Castagnaro A.P. 2018. Development of PSP1, a biostimulant based on the elicitor AsES for disease management in monocot and dicot crops. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00844. ISSN: 1664-462X.
- Echeverría M., Moreno M.V. & Caputo C. 2018. Occurrence of Fusarium species in asymptomatic barley plants grown in field conditions. Current Science 115: 939-944. ISSN: 0011-3891.
- McIntosh R.A., Dubcovsky J., Rogers W.J., Xia X.C. & Raupp W.J. 2018. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2018 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter. 64: 73-93.
- Pelizza S.A., Scattolini M.C., Bardi C., Lange C.E., Stenglein S.A. & Cabello M.N. 2018. Beauveria locustiphila (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) infecting the grasshopper pest Tropidacris collaris (Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Romaleidae). Nova Hedwigia. 107: 349-356. ISSN: 0029-5035.
- Pelizza S.A., Schalamuk S., Simón M.R., Stenglein S.A., Pacheco-Marino S. & Scorsetti A.C. 2018. Compatibility of chemical insecticides and entomopathogenic fungi for control of soybean defoliating pest, Rachiplusia nu. Revista Argentina de Microbiología. 50: 189-201. ISSN: 0325-7541.
- Rivera M.C., Wright E.R., Silvestro L., Stenglein S.A. & Kato A. 2018. New host record of Sclerotium rolfsii causing crown and root rot on Pseudogynoxis benthamii. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 89: 950-953. ISSN: 1870-3453.
- Silvestro L.B., Biganzoli F., Stenglein S.A., Forjan H., Manso L. & Moreno M.V. 2018. Mixed cropping regime promote the soil fungal community under zero tillage. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek-Journal of Microbiology. 111: 1055-1064. ISSN: 0003-6072.
- Tranchida M.C., Bravo-Berruezo L.E., Stenglein S.A. & Cabello M.N. 2018. Mycobiota associated to human cadavers: first record in Argentina. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. 51: 39-47. ISSN: 0008-5030.
- Merlos C. S., Pelizza S.A. & Moreno M.V. 2018. Neotropical seasonally dry forests: response of soil fungal communities to anthropogenic actions. Biodiversity International Journal 2(2):198‒202. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2018.02.00059 ISSN: 2575-906X
- Nogueira M.S., Decundo J.M., Martinez M., Dieguez S.N., Moreyra F., Moreno M.V. & Stenglein S.A. 2018. Natural contamination with mycotoxins produced by Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium poae in malting barley in Argentina. Toxins. 10, 78; doi:10.3390/toxins10020078. ISSN: 2072-6651.
- Dinolfo M.I., Castañares E. & Stenglein S.A. 2017. Resistance of Fusarium poae in Arabidopsis leaves requires mainly functional JA and ET signalling pathways. Fungal Biology. 121: 841-848. ISSN: 1878-6146.
- da Cruz Cabral L., Rodriguero M., Stenglein S.A., Nielsen K.F. & Patriarca A. 2017. Characterization of small-spored Alternaria from Argentinean crops through a polyphasic approach. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 257: 206-215. ISSN: 0168-1605.
- Quiroga G.A., Wright E.R., Herrera O., Silvestro L., Stenglein S.A. & Rivera M.C. 2017. Penicillium brevicompactum causing bulb rot on Hyppeastrum x hybridum in Argentina. Journal of Plant Pathology. 99: DOI: 10.4454/jpp.v99i3.3928. ISSN: 1125-4653.
- Dinolfo M.I., Castañares E. & Stenglein S.A. 2017. Fusarium-plant interaction: state of the art. Plant Protection Science. 53: 61-70. ISSN: 1212-2580.
- Perelló A., Aulicino M., Stenglein S.A., Labuda R. & Moreno M.V. 2017. Pseudopithomyces chartarum associated with wheat seeds in Argentina, pathogenicity and evaluation of toxigenic ability. European Journal of Plant Pathology.148: 491-496. ISSN: 0929-1873.
- McIntosh, R.A., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W.J., Morris, C.F., Appels, R. & Xia, X.C. 2017. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2017 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter 63: 107-121.
- Kulik T., Abarenkov K., Buśko M., Bilska K., van Diepeningen A., Ostrowska-Kołodziejczak A., Krawczyk K., Brankovics B., Stenglein S., Sawicki J. & Perkowski J. 2017. ToxGen: an improved reference database for the identification of type B-trichothecene genotypes in Fusarium. PeerJ. DOI 10.7717/peerj.2992. ISSN: 2167-8359.
- Silvestro LB, Biganzoli F, Forjan H, Albanesi A, Arambarri AM, Manso L, Moreno MV. Mollisols. 2017. biological characterization under zero tillage with different crops sequences. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 19: 245-257. ISSN: 1680-7073.
- Castañares E., Dinolfo M.I., Del Ponte E., Pan D. & Stenglein S.A. 2016. Species composition and genetic structure of Fusarium graminearum species complex populations affecting the main barley growing regions of South America. Plant Pathology. 65: 930-939. ISSN: 0032-0862.
- Cogliatti, M. & Heter, D. 2016. Perspectiva para la producción de quinua en la región agrícola Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Azul, FAA-UNCPBA. Ebook. ISBN: 978-987-42-1209-2. 90 pp.
- Kulik T., Buśko M., Bilska K., Ostrowska-Kołodziejczak A., van Diepeningen A., PerkowskiJ. & Stenglein S. 2016. Depicting the discrepancy between Tri genotype and chemotype on the basis of strain CBS 139514 from a field population of Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto from Argentina. Toxins. 8: 330; 1-7. ISSN: 2072-6651.
- Groβkinsky D.K., Tafner R., Moreno M.V., Stenglein S.A., García de Salamone I.E., Nelson L.M., Novák O., Strnad M., van der Graaff E. & Roitsch T. 2016. Cytokinin production by Pseudomonas fluorescens G20-18 determines biocontrol activity against Pseudomonas syringae in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports. 6: 23310; 1-12.
- Larran S., Simon M.R., Moreno M.V., Santamarina Siurana M.P. & Perelló A.E. 2016. Endophytes from wheat as biocontrol agents against tan spot disease. Biological Control. 92:17-23.
- Dinolfo M.I., Castañares E., Stenglein S.A. 2015. SRAP as an informative molecular marker to study the Fusarium poae genetic variability. Journal of Phytopathology. 163: 657-663.
- Kulik T. Ostrowska A., Buśko M., Pasquali M., Beyer M., Stenglein S., Zaluski D., Sawicki J., Treder K. & Perkowski J. Development of an FgMito assay: a highly sensitive mitochondrial based qPCR assay for quantification of Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 210: 16-23.
- Moreno M.V. 2015. Revista AgroBarrow Nº 56. Hongos de suelo en sistemas agrícolas.
- Moreno M.V., Stenglein S.A. & Perelló A.E. 2015. Distribution of races and Tox genes in Pyrenophora tritici-repentis isolates from wheat in Argentina. Tropical Plant Pathology. 40:141-146.
- Pelizza S.A., Scorsetti A.C, Fogel M.N., Pacheco-Marino S.G., Stenglein S.A., Cabello M.N. & Lange C.E. 2015. Compatibility between entomopathogenic fungi and biorational insecticides in toxicity against Ronderosia bergi under laboratory consitions. BioControl. 60: 81-91.
- Perelló A., Aulicino, M., Marinelli C., Regueira M., Moreno M.V. & Stenglein S.A. 2015. Caracterización morfocultural de nuevos grupos taxonómicos de Alternaria asociados a enfermedades del trigo en Argentina. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas. 1: 1-15. ISSN: 1851-7862.
- Russo M.L., Pelizza S.A., Cabello M.N., Stenglein S.A. & Scorsetti A.C. 2015. Endophytic colonization of tobacco, corn, wheat, and soybeans by the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota, Hypocreales). Biocontrol Science and Technology. 25: 475-480.
- Simón M.R., Ayala F., Moreno M.V., Lohwasser U. & Borner A. 2015. Mapping QTL for resistance against Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in wheat. Cereal Research Communication. 43: 649-660.
- Cogliatti, M., Cortizo, L.V., Rogers, W.J. 2014. Mejoramiento genético de alpiste: selección y evaluación de líneas de derivadas de la población marroquí PI 284184. RIA 40: 189-195.
- Stenglein S.A., Dinolfo M.I., Barros G., Bongiorno F., Chulze S. & Moreno M.V. 2014. Fusarium poae pathogenicity and mycotoxin accumulation on selected wheat and barley genotypes at a single location in Argentina. Plant Disease. 98: 1733-1738.
- Castañares E., Ramirez Alburquerque D., Dinolfo M., Fernandez Pinto V., Patriarca A. & Stenglein S.A. 2014. Trichothecene genotypes and production profiles of Fusarium graminearum isolates obtained from barley cultivated in Argentina. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 179: 57-63.
- Cogliatti M. 2014. “El cultivo de alpiste. Phalaris canariensis L.” p. 156. Ed. UNCPBA. ISBN 978-950-658-345-3.
- Cogliatti M. 2014. El grano de alpiste. In “El cultivo de alpiste. Phalaris canariensis L.” (M. Cogliatti, ed.). pp. 29-37. Ed. UNCPBA. ISBN 978-950-658-345-3.
- Cogliatti M. 2014. Requerimientos y caracterización agronómica del cultivo de alpiste. In “El cultivo de alpiste. Phalaris canariensis L.” (M. Cogliatti, ed.). pp. 39-51. Ed. UNCPBA. ISBN 978-950-658-345-3.
- Cogliatti M.2014. Manejo del cultivo. In “El cultivo de alpiste. Phalaris canariensis L.” (M. Cogliatti, ed.). pp. 53-70. Ed. UNCPBA. ISBN 978-950-658-345-3.
- Cogliatti M. 2014. Recursos genéticos. In “El cultivo de alpiste. Phalaris canariensis L.” (M. Cogliatti, ed.). pp. 107-114. Ed. UNCPBA. ISBN 978-950-658-345-3.
- Dinolfo M., Castañares E. & Stenglein S.A. 2014. Characterization of a Fusarium poae world-wide collection by using molecular markers. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 140: 119-132.
- Dinolfo M.I. & Stenglein S.A. 2014. Fusarium poae and mycotoxins: potential risk for consumers. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. 49: 5-20.
- Martinez M., Castañares E., Dinolfo M., Pacheco W., Moreno M.V. & Stenglein S.A. 2014. Presencia de Fusarium graminearum en muestras de trigo destinado al consumo humano. Revista Argentina de Microbiología. 46: 41-44.
- Rogers W.J. 2014. Herramientas para el estudio de la variación genética en Alpiste. In “El cultivo de alpiste. Phalaris canariensis L.” (M. Cogliatti, ed.). pp. 115-125. Ed. UNCPBA. ISBN 978-950-658-345-3.
- Stenglein S.A., Dinolfo M.I., Barros G., Bongiorno F., Chulze S. & Moreno M.V. 2014. Fusarium poae pathogenicity and mycotoxin accumulation on selected wheat and barley genotypes at a single location in Argentina. Plant Disease. 98: 1733-1738.
- Canel R., Wagner J., Stenglein S.A. & Ludemann V. 2013. Indigenous filamentous fungi on the surface of Argentinean dry fermented sausages produced in Colonia Caroya (Córdoba). International Journal of Food Microbiology. 164: 81-86.
- Castañares E., Dinolfo M.I., Moreno M.V., Berón C. & Stenglein S.A. 2013. Fusarium cerealis associated with barley seeds in Argentina. Journal of Phytopathology. 161: 586-589.
- Peverelli M.C. & Rogers W.J. 2013. Heat stress effects on crop performance and tools for tolerance breeding. Revista de Ciencias Agrarias de Cuyo. 45: 349-368.
- Silvestro L.B., Stenglein S.A., Forjan H., Dinolfo M.I., Arambarri A.M., Manso K. & Moreno M.V. 2013. Occurrence and distribution of soil Fusarium population under wheat crop in zero tillage. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 11: 72-79.
- Cogliatti, M. 2012. Canaryseed crop. Scientia Agropecuaria 1: 75-88.
- Dinolfo M.I., Barros G.G. & Stenglein S.A. 2012. Development of a PCR assay to detect the potential production of nivalenol in Fusarium poae. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 332: 99-104.
- McIntosh R.A., Dubcovsky J., Rogers W.J., Morris C.F., Appels R. & Xia X.C. 2012. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat. Annual Wheat Newsletter. 58: 259-279
- Moreno M.V., Stenglein S.A. & Perelló A.E. 2012. Pyrenophora tritici repentis, the causal agent of tan spot: a review of intraspecific genetic diversity. In “The Molecular Basis of Plant Genetic Diversity” (A. Caliskan, ed.). pp. 297-330. InTech. ISBN 978-953-51-0157-4.
- Scorsetti A.C., Elíades L.A., Stenglein S.A., Cabello M.N., Pelizza S.A. & Saparrat M.C.N. 2012. Pathogenic and enzyme activities of the entomopathogenic fungus Tolypocladium cylindrosporum (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Revista de Biología Tropical. 60: 833-841.
- Silvestro L.B., Moreno M.V., Forján H., Albanesi A., Arambarri A.M., Dinolfo M.I., Stenglein S.A., Manso L. & Bongiorno F. 2012. La Flora y Fauna edáficas: comunidades biológicas y actividad biológica del suelo. In “Rotaciones de cultivos en la región mixta cerealera del centro sur bonaerense. 30 años de experiencias” (H. Forján & L. Manso, eds.). Capítulo 8. pp. 67-77. Ed. INTA. ISBN: 978-987-679-170-0.
- Stenglein S.A., Dinolfo M.I., Bongiorno F. & Moreno M.V. 2012. Response of wheat and barley to Fusarium poae. Agrociencia. 46: 299-306.
- Stenglein S.A., Moreno M.V., Cogliatti M., Rogers W.J., Carmona M.A. & Lavado R.S. 2012. “Cereales de Invierno”. p. 238. Ed. UNCPBA. ISBN: 978-950-658-301-9.
- Castañares E., Wehrhahne L. & Stenglein S.A. 2012. Fusarium pseudograminearum associated with barley kernels in Argentina. Plant Disease. 96: 763.
- Moreno, M. V., Arambarri, A. M. and Perelló, A. E. Diversity of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis isolates from the argentinian wheat growing area: morphocultural and pathogenic analysis. 2011. Internacional Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science 1: 365-382.
- Moreno M.V., Stenglein S.A. & Perelló A.E. 2012. Pyrenophora tritici repentis, the causal agent of tan spot: a review of intraspecific genetic diversity. In “The Molecular Basis of Plant Genetic Diversity” (A. Caliskan, ed.). pp. 297-330. InTech. ISBN 978-953-51-0157-4.
- Pelizza S.A., Stenglein S.A., Cabello M.N., Dinolfo M.I. & Lange C.E. 2011. First record of Fusarium verticillioides as an entomopathogenic fungus of grasshoppers. Journal of Insect Science. 11 (70): 1-8.
- Simón, M.R.; Ayala, F., Golik, S., Terrile, I., Cordo, C., Perelló, A., Moreno, V. & Chidichimo, H. 2011. Influence Integrated Foliar Disease Management to Prevent Yield Loss in Argentinian Wheat Production. Agronomy Journal 103: 1441-1451.
- Castañares E., Stenglein S.A., Dinolfo M.I. & Moreno M.V. 2011. Fusarium tricinctum associated with head blight on wheat in Argentina. Plant Disease 95:496.
- Cogliatti M., Bongiorno F., Dalla Valle H. & Rogers W.J. 2011. Canaryseed (Phalaris canariensis L.) accessions from nineteen countries show useful genetic variation for agronomic traits. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 91: 1-12.
- Cogliatti M., Juan V.F., Bongiorno F., Dalla Valle H. & Rogers W.J. 2011. Control of grassy weeds in annual canarygrass. Crop Protection 30: 125-129.
- Dinolfo M.I., Stenglein S.A., Moreno M.V., Nicholson P., Jennings P. & Salerno G. 2010. ISSR markers detect high genetic variation among Fusarium poae isolates from Argentina and England. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127: 483-491.
- Galván M., Stenglein S.A. & Balatti P. 2010. Common Bean germplasm molecular analysis: a biotechnological approach for breeding. The Americas Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 4: 60-69.
- McIntosh, R. A., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W. J., Morris, C. F., Appels, R., Xia, X.C. (2010). Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2011 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter 57: 303-321.
- Liu L., Ikeda T.M., Branlard G., Peña R.J., Rogers W.J., Lerner S.E., Kolman M.A., Xia X., Wang L., Ma W., Appels R., Yoshida H., Wang A., Yan Y. & He Z. 2010. Comparison of low molecular weight glutenin subunits identified by SDS-PAGE, 2-DE, MALDI-TOF-MS and PCR in common wheat. BMC Plan Biology 10: 124.
- Moreno M.V. & Perelló A.E. 2010. Occurrence of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis causing tan spot in Argentina. In “Management of Fungal Pathogens: Current Trends and Progress” (A. Arya & A. Perelló, eds.). pp. 275-290. CABI: UK.
- Stenglein S.A., Dinolfo M.I., Moreno M.V., Galizio R. & Salerno G.L. 2010. Fusarium proliferatum, a new pathogen causing head blight on oat in Argentina. Plant Disease 94: 783.
- Stenglein S.A., Rodriguero M.S., Chandler E., Jennings P., Salerno G. & Nicholson P. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships of Fusarium poae based on nuclear and mitochondrial sequences. Fungal Biology (formerly known as Mycological Research). 114: 96-106.
- Stenglein S.A. & Rogers W.J. 2010. Barley and wheat resistance genes for Fusarium Head Blight. In “Management of fungal pathogens: current trends and progress” (A. Arya & A. Perelló, eds.). pp. 78-91. CABI: UK.
- Lerner, S.E. Kolman, M.A. & Rogers, W.J. 2009. Quality and endosperm storage protein variation in Argentinean grown bread wheat. I. Allelic diversity and discrimination between cultivars. Journal of Cereal Science 49: 337-345.
- Saparrat M.C.N., Fermoselle G.E., Stenglein S.A., Aulicino M.B. & Balatti P.A. 2009. Pseudocercospora griseola causing Angular Leaf Spot on Phaseolus vulgaris produces1,8-Dihydroxynaphthalene-Melanin. Mycopathologia. 168: 41-47.
- Perelló, A., Moreno, M.V., Mónaco, C., Simón, M.R. & Cordo, C. 2009. Biocontrol of Septoria tritici Blotch on wheat by Trichoderma sp. under field conditions in Argentina BioControl. 54:113-122.
- Stenglein S.A. 2009. Fusarium poae: a pathogen that needs more attention. Journal of Plant Pathology. 91: 25-36.
- Stenglein S.A., Barreto D., Nicholson P., Chandler E., Brambilla V., Piris E.M., Saliva V., Mitidieri M. & Salerno G. 2009. First report of Fusarium poae on tomato in Argentina. Plant Pathology. 58: 401-401.
- Arambarri A., Freire S., Colares M., Bayón N., Novoa M., Monti C. & Stenglein S.A. 2008. Leaf anatomy of medicinal shrubs and trees from misiones forest of the paranaense province (Argentina). Part 2. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. 43: 31-60.
- McIntosh R. A., Devos K. M., Dubcovsky J., Rogers W. J., Morris C. F., Appels R., Somers D.J. & Anderson O. D. 2008. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2008 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 54: 209-225.
- Moreno M.V., Stenglein S.A., Balatti P.A. & Perelló A.E. 2008. Pathogenic and molecular variability among isolates of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, causal agent of tan spot of wheat in Argentina. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 122: 239-252.
- Moreno, M.V., Tacalitti, M.S., Castro, A.M. & Perelló, A.E. 2008. Isozyme polymorphisms within population Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in Argentina. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 24: 849-860. Perelló, A., Moreno, M.V., Mónaco, C. & Simón, M.R. 2008. Effect of Thichoderma spp. Isolates for biological control of tan spot of wheat caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis under field conditions in Argentina. BioControl. 53: 895-904.
- Perelló, A., Moreno, M.V. & Sisterna, M. 2008 Alternaria infectoria species-group associated with black point of wheat in Argentina. Plant Pathology. 57:379-379.
- Fermoselle G.E., Stenglein S.A. & Balatti P.A. 2007. Genetic diversity in Phaeoisariopsis griseola based on ISSR molecular markers. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. 50: 93-94.
- Larrán, S., Perelló, A., Moreno, V & Simón, MR. 2007. Endophytic fungi from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23: 565-572.
- Larrán, S., Perelló, A., Moreno, V & Simón, MR. 2007. Endophytic fungi from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23: 565-572.
- Larrán, S., Perelló, A., Moreno, V & Simón, MR. 2007. Endophytic fungi from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23: 565-572.
- Larrán, S., Perelló, A., Moreno, V & Simón, MR. 2007. Endophytic fungi from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23: 565-572.
- Larrán, S., Perelló, A., Moreno, V & Simón, MR. 2007. Endophytic fungi from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23: 565-572.
- McIntosh, R. A., Devos, K. M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W. J., Morris, C. F., Appels, R., Anderson, O. D. 2007. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2007 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 53: 159-180.
- Perrota V., Stenglein S.A. & Arambarri A.M. 2007. Leaf anatomy of Ceiba chodatii and Ceiba speciosa (Bombacaceae). Kurtziana. 33: 17-25.
- Arambarri A., Freire S., Colares M., Bayón N., Novoa M., Monti C. & Stenglein S.A. 2006. Leaf anatomy of medicinal shrubs and trees from gallery forests (Paranaense province) Argentina. Molecular Medicinal Chemistry.10: 47-49.
- Arambarri A., Freire S., Colares M., Bayón N., Novoa M., Monti C. & Stenglein S.A. 2006. Leaf anatomy of medicinal shrubs and trees from gallery forests of the Paranaense province (Argentina). Part 1. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica. 41: 233-268.
- Lerner, S. E., Seghezzo, M. L., Molfese, E. R., Ponzio, N. R., Cogliatti M., Rogers, W. J. 2006. N- and S-fertiliser on grain composition, industrial quality and end-use in durum wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 44: 2-11.
- McIntosh, R. A., Devos, K. M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W. J., Morris, C. F., Appels, R., Anderson, O. D. 2006. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2006 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 52: 208-230.
- Moreno M.V. & Perelló A. 2006.First report of Stagonospora foliicola on harding grass (Phalaris aquatica) in Argentina. Plant Pathology. 56: 724-724.
- Perelló, A.E., Mónaco, C., Moreno, M.V., Cordo, C. & Simón, M. R. 2006 The effect of Trichoderma harzianum and T. koningii on the control of tan spot (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) and leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) of wheat under field conditions in Argentina. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 16: 803-813.
- Rogers, W.J., Cogliatti, M., Lerner, S.E. Ponzio, N.R., Robutti, J.L., Di Martino, A.M., Borrás, F.S., Seghezzo, M.L., Molfese, E.R. 2006. Effects of nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers on the gliadin composition of several cultivars of durum wheat. Cereal Chemistry, 83: 677-683.
- Stenglein S.A. & Balatti P.A. 2006. Genetic diversity of Phaeoisariopsis griseola in Argentina as revealed by virulence and molecular markers. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 68: 158-167.
- Stenglein S.A., Aulicino M., Arambarri A.M. & Balatti P.A. 2006. New media for increasing sporulation and germination of Phaeoisariopsis griseola conidia. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 115: 173-180.
- Stenglein S.A., Balatti P.A., Vizgarra O.N. & Ploper L.D. 2006. First report of angular leaf spot caused by Phaeoisariopsis griseola on Phaseolus coccineus in Argentina. Plant Disease. 90: 248-248.
- Vizgarra O.N., Stenglein S.A., Ploper L.D., Balatti P.A. & Espeche C.M. 2006. Identificación de una nueva línea de poroto negro con resistencia a la mancha angular. Avance Agroindustrial. 27: 37-39.
- Arambarri A.M., Stenglein S.A., Colares M.N. & Novoa M.C. 2005. Taxonomy of the New World species of Lotus (Leguminosae: Loteae). Australian Journal of Botany. 53: 797-812.
- Balatti P. & Stenglein S.A. 2005. Resistance gene analogs in common bean. In “Genetic Resources and Biotechnology: characterization and utilization of genetic resources using molecular approaches” (D. Thangadurai, T. Pullaiah & L. Tripathy, eds.), Vol. 3, pp. 121-133. Regency Publications.
- Galván M., Stenglein S.A., Fermoselle G., Menéndez-Sevillano M.C. & Balatti P. 2005. Molecular markers applied to the analysis of common bean genetic resources. In “Genetic Resources and Biotechnology: characterization and utilization of genetic resources using molecular approaches” (D. Thangadurai, T. Pullaiah & P. Balatti, eds.), Vol. 2, pp. 78-103. Regency Publications.
- McIntosh, R. A., Devos, K. M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W. J., Morris, C. F., Appels, R., Anderson, O. D. 2005. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2005 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 51: 251-285.
- Perelló, A. E. & Moreno, M. V. 2005. First report of Phoma sorghina (Sacc.) Boerema Dorenbosch & van Kest on wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum L.) in Argentina. Mycopathologia. 159: 75-78.
- Stenglein S.A. & Arambarri A.M. 2005. Epidermal features of Lotus oroboides = Ottleya oroboides (Leguminosae: Loteae). Lotus Newsletter. 35: 183-190.
- Stenglein S.A., Arambarri A.M., Menendez-Sevillano M.C. & Balatti P.A. 2005. Leaf epidermal characters related with plant’s passive resistance to pathogens vary among accessions of wild beans Phaseolus vulgaris var. aborigineus (Leguminosae-Phaseoleae). Flora. 200: 285-295.
- Stenglein S.A., Fermoselle G.E. & Balatti P.A. 2005. Pathogenic and molecular studies of Phaeoisariopsis griseola in Argentina. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. 48: 92-93. Stenglein S.A., Fermoselle G.E., Ploper L.D., Vizgarra N.O. & Balatti P.A. 2005. Diversidad de poblaciones de Phaeoisariopsis griseola aislados de la Argentina. Fitopatologia. 40: 78-78.
- Vizgarra O.N., Ploper L.D., Ghio A.C., Stenglein S.A. & Balatti P.A. 2005. Identificación de cuatro nuevas líneas de poroto negro con buen comportamiento a la mancha angular. Avance Agroindustrial. 26: 18-20.
- Lerner S.E., Cogliatti, M., Ponzio N.R., Seghezzo M.L., Molfese E.R., Rogers W.J. 2004. Genetic variation for grain protein components and industrial quality of durum wheat cultivars sown in Argentina. Journal of Cereal Science, 40: 161-166.
- McIntosh, R.A., Hart, G.E., Devos, K.M., Rogers, W.J. 2004. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2004 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 50: 286-313.
- Stenglein S.A., Arambarri A.M., Vizgarra O.N. & Balatti P.A. 2004. Micromorphological variability of leaf epidermis in Mesoamerican common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Leguminosae). Australian Journal of Botany. 52: 73-80.
- McIntosh, R.A., Devos, K.M., Dubcovsky, J., Morris C., Rogers, W.J. .2003. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2003 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 49: 246-282.
- Perelló, A., Moreno, M.V., Simón, M.R. & Sisterna, M. 2003. Tan spot of wheat (Ttriticum aestivum L.) infection at different stages of crop development and inoculum type. Crop Protection 22:157-169.
- Perelló, A., Sisterna, M. & Moreno, M.V. 2003. Occurrence of Cladosporium herbarum on wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum) in Argentina. Australasian Plant Pathology. 32:327-328.
- Perelló, A. E. & Moreno, M. V. 2003. Occurrence of Ascochyta hordei var. europaea on wheat (Triticum aestivum) leaves in Argentina. Australasian Plant Pathology. 32: 565-566.
- Stenglein S.A., Arambarri A.M., Colares M.N., Novoa M.C. & Vizcaíno C.E. 2003. Leaf epidermal characteristics of Lotus: subgenus Acmispon (Fabaceae: Loteae) and a numerical taxonomic evaluation. Canadian Journal of Botany. 81: 933-944.
- Stenglein S.A., Colares M.N., Arambarri A.M., Novoa M.C., Vizcaíno C.E. & Katinas L. 2003. Leaf epidermal microcharacteres of the Old World species of Lotus (Fabaceae: Loteae) and their systematic significance. Australian Journal of Botany. 51: 459-469.
- Stenglein S.A., Ploper D., Vizgarra O. & Balatti P. 2003. Angular leaf spot: a disease caused by the fungus Phaeoisariopsis griseola (Sacc.) Ferraris on Phaseolus vulgaris L. Advances in Applied Microbiology. 52: 209-243.
- Larrán, S., Perelló, A., Simón, M.R. & Moreno, M. V. 2002. Isolation and analysis of endophytes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L). World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 18:683-686.
- McIntosh, R.A., Devos, K.M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W.J. .2002. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2002 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 48: 287-321.
- McIntosh, R.A., Devos, K.M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W.J. .2002. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2002 Supplement. Wheat Information Service, 95: 50-80.
- Zare, A.G., Humphreys, M.W., Rogers, W.J., Mortimer, M., Collin, H.A. 2002. Androgenesis in a Lolium multiflorum x Festuca arundinacae hybrid to generate genotypic variation for drought resistance. Euphytica, 125: 1-11.
- McIntosh, R.A., Devos, K.M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W.J. 2001. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2001 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 47: 333-354.
- McIntosh, R.A., Devos, K.M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W.J. 2001. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2001 Supplement. Wheat Information Service, 93: 40-60.
- Perelló, A.E., Moreno, M.V., Simón, M.R. & Sisterna, M. 2001. Incidencia, severidad y progreso de la mancha amarilla del trigo bajodiferentes tipos y concentraciones de inóculo. Fitopatologia Brasileira. 26: 467-467.
- Rogers, W.J., Sayers, E.J., Ru, K.L. 2001. Deficiency of individual high molecular weight glutenin subunits affords flexibility in breeding strategies for bread-making quality in wheat Triticum aestivum L. Euphytica, 117: 99-109.
- Stenglein S.A. & Arambarri A.M. 2001. Epidermal characteristics in Lotus corniculatus L. (Fabaceae: Loteae). Lotus Newsletter. 32: 4-7.
- Stenglein S.A. 2001. Características epidérmicas de la hoja del género Solanum L. (Solanaceae) de la provincia biogeográfica pampeana. Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense. 20: 265-274.
- McIntosh, R.A., Devos, K.M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W.J. 2000. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2000 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 46: 291-326.
- McIntosh, R.A., Devos, K.M., Dubcovsky, J., Rogers, W.J. 2000. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 2000 Supplement. Wheat Information Service, 91: 33-70.
- McIntosh, R.A., Hart, G.E., Devos, K.M., Rogers, W.J. 2000. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 1999 Supplement. Wheat Information Service, 89: 37-85.
- Colares M.N., Bayón N.D., Stenglein S.A. & Arambarri A.M. 1999. Anatomía y etnobotánica de las especies medicinales de la provincia pampeana: Solanaceae (excluidos Grabowskia y Solanum). Acta Farmacéutica Bonaerense. 18: 171-182.
- McIntosh R.A., Hart G.E., Devos K.M., Rogers W.J. 1999. Catalogue of gene symbols for wheat: 1999 Supplement. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 45: 312-356.
- Zare, A.G., Humphreys, M.W., Rogers, W.J., Collin, H.A. 1999. Androgenesis from a Lolium multiflorum x Festuca arundinacea hybrid to generate extreme variation for freezing tolerance. Plant Breeding, 118: 494-501.
- Humphreys, M.W., Zare, A.G., Pasakinskiene, I., Thomas, H., Rogers, W.J., Collin, H.A. 1998. Interspecific genomic rearrangements in androgenic plants derived from a Lolium multiflorum x Festuca arundinacea (2n=5X=35) hybrid. Heredity 80: 78-82.
- Rogers, W.J., Miller, T.E., Payne, P.I., Seekings, J.A., Sayers, E.J., Holt, L.M., Law, C.N. 1997. Introduction to bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and assessment for bread-making quality of alleles from T. boeoticum Boiss. ssp. thaoudar at Glu-A1 encoding two high-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin. Euphytica, 93: 19-29.
- Alvarez, J.B., Martin, L.M., Rogers, W.J., Martin, A. 1995. Relationship between the endosperm storage protein composition and the bread-making quality in hexaploid Tritordeum. Cereal Research Communications, 23: 167-172.
- Alvarez, J.B., Canalejo, A.L., Ballesteros, J., Rogers, W.J. Martin, L.M. 1993. Genealogical identification of hexaploid tritordeum by electrophoretic separation of endosperm storage proteins. Plant Breeding, 111: 166-169.
- Wang, G. Snape, J.W., Hu, H., Rogers, W.J. 1993. The high molecular weight glutenin subunit compositions of Chinese bread wheat varieties and their relationship with bread-making quality. Euphytica, 68: 205-212.
- King, I.P., Purdie, K.A., Miller, T.E., Law, C.N., Rogers, W.J. 1992. Exploitation of chromosome 4Sl, from Aegilops sharonensis, for the production of stable 44-chromosome wheat lines. Heredity, 69: 160-165.
- Miller, T.E., Reader, S.M., King, I.P., Rogers, W.J., Purdie, K.A. 1992. Wheat/Alien Genetic Group. European Wheat Aneuploid Co-operative Newsletter, pp. 36-39.
- Schwarzacher, T., Anamthawat-Jónsson, K., Harrison, G.E., Islam, A.K.M.R., Jia, J.Z., King, I.P., Leitch, A.R., Miller, T.E., Reader, S.M., Rogers, W.J., Shi, M., Heslop-Harrison, J.S. 1992. Genomic in situ hybridization to identify alien chromosomes and chromosome segments in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 84: 778-786.
- Javornik, B., Sinkovic, T.. Vapa, L., Koebner, R.M.D., Rogers, W.J. 1991. A comparison of methods for identifying and surveying the presence of 1BL.1RS translocations in bread wheat. Euphytica, 54: 45-53.
- Nettevich, E.D., Morgunov, A. 1., Rogers, W.J., Bespalov, A.M., Metakovsky, E.V. 1991. Heterogeneity of Soviet wheat varieties for HMW glutenin loci. Doklady Vaskhnil, 9: 2-4.
- Nettevich, E.D., Morgunov, A.I., Rogers, W.J., Bespalov, A.M., Metakovsky, E.V. 1991. Characterisation of Soviet wheat varieties in HMW glutenins. Doklady Vaskhnil, 7: 2-5.
- Rogers, W.J., Payne, P.I., Seekings, J.A., Sayers, E.J. 1991. Effect on bread-making quality of x-type and y-type high-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin. Journal of Cereal Science, 14: 209-221.
- Wang, M. L., Atkinson, M.D., Chinoy, C.N., Devos, K.M., Harcourt, R.L., Liu, C.J., Rogers, W.J., Gale, MD. 1991. RFLP-based genetic map of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosome lR. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 82: 174-178.
- Morgunov, A.I., Rogers, W.J., Sayers, E.J., Metakovsky, E.V. 1990. The high molecular-weight subunit composition of Soviet wheat varieties. Euphytica, 51:41-52.
- Morgunov, A.I., Rogers, W.J. 1990. Electrophoresis of glutenin proteins. Methods for Intensive Selection, Odessa 1990, pp 36-37.
- Rogers, W.J., Rickatson, J.M., Sayers, E.J., Law, C.N. 1990. Dosage effects of chromosomes of homoeologous groups 1 and 6 upon bread-making quality in hexaploid wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 80: 281-287.
- Vapa, L., Rogers, W.J., Sayers, E.J. 1990. SDS-PAGE analysis of grain proteins from Novi Sad wheat cultivars. Savremena Poljoprivreda, 38: 413-418.
- Rogers, W.J., Payne, P.I., Harinder, K. 1989. The HMW glutenin subunit and gliadin compositions of German-grown wheat varieties and their relationship with bread-making quality. Plant Breeding, 103: 89-100.
- Rogers, W.J., Kearsey, M.J., Smith, B.M. 1987. The feasibility of producing inbred rather than F1 hybrid cultivars in Brussels sprouts: predictions from early generations. Annals of Applied Biology, 111: 677-688.
- Smith, B.M., Rogers, W.J., Kearsey, M.J. 1985. The feasibility of producing inbred rather than F1 hybrid cultivars in Brussels sprouts: a preliminary genetical analysis and choice of material for inbreeding. Annals of Applied Biology, 107: 87-99.